2019-2021 osaleb Virtsu Kool Erasmus+ projektis “Cultural Heritage: An inclusive Path for participation and exchange in Europe”.
Projekti koduleht asub siin.
Tegemist on kaheaastase projektiga, mille käigus vahetatakse häid praktikaid, millede prioriteediks on sotsiaalne kaasamine. Lisaks keskendutakse ka Euroopa kultuuripärandi sotsiaalsele ja hariduslikule väärtusele. Projektis osalevad koolid kuuest riigist – Küproselt, Kreekast, Portugalist, Eestist, Poolast ja Rumeeniast.
Läbi innovatiivsete tegevuste aitame lastel paremini tundma õppida nende endi kultuuri ning samal ajal õppida ja aktsepteerida teiste riikide kultuuri. Seisuga 30.09.2020 oleme jõudnud osaleda kahel projektiõppereisil, Portugali ja Poolasse. Seoses COVID-19 levikust tingitud reisipiirangutega on praegu igasugune reisimine edasi lükatud, kuid töö väikestes gruppides käib. Kogemusi saame vahetada ka elektroonselt!
Kokku projektist inglise keeles: Through respect and self-awareness, they can be let to an inclusive mindset and attitude, aiming the dropout rate to be reduced. we will help the children get lifelong-job creation skills so they become active European citizens of the 21st century. We will work on four aspects of cultural heritage. These are Art, Monuments, Games-Dances, and Fairy tales. Through innovative computer technologies and living interaction with other cultural heritage, learning respect, appreciation, and acceptance, we will cultivate an inclusive mindset and prepare children to be active European citizens in a coherent prosperous Europe.
We will have 6 Learning teaching training activities (LTTA), 2 of them also combining joined stuff activities, so teachers and children have the opportunity to interact, witness new methods feel part of a group, train and improve. In all activities, the visiting children will be integrated into mixed groups and will become part of the school’s social group, and experience the hostings school’s life. We will use eTwinning online meetings to open the LTTA to more children and teachers from the sending schools. As of 30th September, 2020, we have managed to participate in 2 joint activities in Portugal and Poland. Due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, further exchange learning activities are suspended. However, we work on them!